Welcome! How nice to see you.
My name is Henrik Grimbäck and work as a director. To know more about me and my background, please click the link below.
On this site I have tried to gather pieces of my work so that the sum of it will show you the broader lines in my style of directing. Here you can also find my CV, my achievements (that I will try to brag about) and find the information you need to be able to contact me. I am also trying to update news about shows and other things that can be of interest in my news section. Below you get to the contact page so that we can get a cup of coffee, talk upcoming projects, workshops, lectures or corporate events. I am looking forward to hear from you!
About mePortfolioContact
"Med FAUST viser Henrik Grimbäck igen sit format og potentiale, som én af de mest interessante nye instruktører. Kompromisløs og stilsikker på den fede måde."
KOP Kultur
"I de syv måneder vi arbejdede sammen har jeg aldrig oplevet Henrik gå på kompromis med den oprigtige kunsteriske undersøgelse og han vælger aldrig den nemme vej ud. Jeg har dyb respekt for hans integritet og dedikation til arbejdet."
Tobias Shaw Petersen Skuespiller og ensemblemedlem af Momentum vol. 10.
"Den nyuddannede sceneinstruktør Henrik Grimbäck har på kort tid gjort sig bemærket med sine modige og originale forestillinger."
Legatutvalget, Statens Kunstråd
"Henrik challenged the familiar processes of how to produce a work. Of how long it takes to produce a work. And of what it takes before something can be named and categorised as theatre.”
Lasse Bo Handberg, Theatre Director Mungo Park